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Keeping your Cool in the Adelaide heat


During February, It’s not uncommon for Adelaide to experience periods of extreme heat and a consequent high demand for Airconditioning.

This sudden rise in the use of Air Conditioners can put a lot of demand on the power grid and heightens the chances of a power outage.

During a heatwave, it’s very important to understand the associated risks and to keep an eye out for those who may be especially vulnerable.

For people who don’t have home Air-Conditioning here are a few simple things you can do to help cope.

  • Stay hydrated and have plenty of drinking water available
  • Keep the curtains and blinds drawn from early in the morning
  • Ensure you have a battery operated personal fan in case of power failure
  • Visit an air conditioned shopping mall or library, but be sure to travel in the cool parts of the day
  • Keep in contact with Family, Friends and Neighbours

For other practical ideas, visit the SA Health website for more information or contact the Emergency Management Unit.

Choosing the right Air Conditioner

For some people, the cost of electricity to run their home air-conditioning is concern. It’s important to note that there are many different options to choose from that help to dramatically reduce these costs.

Modern Evaporative air conditioners such as the Braemar Super Cool now incorporate highly sophisticated technology that has dramatically reduced energy usage and made them very affordable to run. This type of air-con is very well suited to Adelaide’s hot yet dry climate. It is also a very healthy option as it continuously blows fresh cool air through the house as opposed to recirculating.

Shop 1, Tea Tree Plus Shopping Centre
1020 North East Road Modbury 5092
Morphett Vale
365 Main South Road
Morphett Vale 5162
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